Pastoral Care

At Ditton Primary School our aim is to provide the highest quality pastoral support throughout the school. All staff work together to help pupils at Ditton achieve their best, educationally, socially and emotionally.

Every member of staff is committed to supporting the emotional health and well-being of all our children and their families. We are happy to speak to pupils and parents/carers about any concerns they may have.  If we feel parents and carers need additional support, we may take advice from Halton safeguarding lead or ICART.  

ICART is Integrated Contact and Referral Team

Who sits in ICART - The team is comprised of multi-agency staff, including social care, early intervention, education, health and Police, therefore there is access to a wide range of information.  The team accept safeguarding referrals & early intervention requests.

Ditton also have a dedicated ‘Pastoral Support’ Mrs Oldfield, Pastoral and mental health lead, supported by Mr Gornell our Attendance lead, Mrs Pauls SENDCO, and Mr White the PSHE lead together they are responsible for ‘Inclusion’ within the school.  

All children are encouraged to make the most of their time at Ditton Primary School, so every effort is made to remove barriers to successful learning and to prepare young people with self-confidence and skills to be passionate learners and successful members of the community. Each class have a worry box where low-level worries can be discussed at allocated times during the week.  Each class also has weekly PSHE lesson.  Some PSHE topics include relationship, health and wellbeing, drugs and alcohol, financial education, the importance of physical education and diet and other topics.


What do the team do?

Pastoral support can mean different things in different contexts and there is no one agreed definition. It might involve listening, sustaining, open door guidance, guiding, reconciling, peer support, mentoring and nurturing of pupils, mixed with promoting and supporting self-efficacy, healthy risk-taking, goal setting, negotiation, reflection, and empowerment.   

  • At Ditton we aim to Provide an environment which will support the emotional health and well-being of all our pupils.
  • Support and empower families who are experiencing challenges.
  • To meet the differing needs of all our children so that each unique child is equipped with life-long skills.
  • Help our children develop empathy for social, emotional, and physical needs within the school.
  • Maintain an atmosphere in which children feel secure.
  • To model for parents/carers that their children are being educated in a safe and nurturing environment.
  • To promote positive relationships with parents/carers through good communication and interaction.
  • To work with a range of stakeholders, parents, support staff, outreach agencies and other professionals to ensure the best outcomes for every pupil.
  • If you would like support with any issue, school or home related, please get in touch.
  • Contact Mrs Oldfield 0151 424 5861 extension 4


Some useful websites

Timetable for Children's Centre