Ethos & Values

The school is a secure, caring place, where pupils can develop a range of skills and abilities and achieve their highest standards. Parents are viewed as partners, fully aware of these expectations. To this end school is perceived as a family community, where everyone is valued, where the prevailing atmosphere is supportive, where consideration and respect for others and their property is maintained, and where quality relationships are a significant feature of the school.​

Our Core Values of Resilience, Pioneering and Children First not only align with those of our Multi-Academy Trust, they also encapsulate the approach we have to learning in our school.

Children First - The whole school community puts children at the heart of all decisions and our children understand that putting others first and expecting the very best from themselves is what makes our school a great place to be part of.

Pioneering – We understand that taking risks and making mistakes is integral to learning. Our school is a safe place where our creativity and problem solving skills are celebrated alongside our academic achievements. We value the whole child and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to shine.

Resilience -  Whether it be in academic subjects, creative endeavours, sporting activities or personal development, we reflect on our achievements and how we can improve further. We understand that learning is a journey that takes effort and determination. We know that with the right attitudes to learning and the support that we are given we all can achieve.


Our School values underpin all the work we do at Ditton Primary. Children are recognised for demonstrating these values and they form the basis of our assemblies and work on personal development.


As a member school of Warrington Primary Academy Trust, we also believe in an overarching guiding principle:

"To deliver a first class education through partnership, innovation, school improvement and accountability"