Key Stage 1

Welcome to the Key Stage 1 homepage. Here you will find information for our Year 1 and Year 2 classes.

Each half-term we will contribute to the school newsletter that includes useful KS1 information and dates. 

Don't forget we update our Twitter page most weeks and also send messages via our school communication app - SchoolPing

If you have any queries or need any assistance please do not hesitate to contact us via the year group email address. 


Each week, we send a number of homework activities for the children. Please see details below. 


Research shows that reading aloud at home can make a huge impact on a child's progress. Therefore, we ask  that children read 5 times per week for around 5 to 10 minutes each time. Please ensure that you make a note in your child’s Reading Record each time they read. Reading Records should be returned to school everyday in a reading book bag.

Weekly Spellings

A set of spellings will be sent home each Friday in homework books with a suggested practise format. These words may consist of words containing particular phonics or spelling patterns, words from the Y1 or Y2 statutory word list, and words relevant to units of work across the curriculum. Children will be tested on these words each Wednesday and their test slip will be sent home that Friday. 

Maths and English

A Maths and English task will be sent home in your child's homework book to complete each week. These tasks will consolidate work that has been completed in school that week. Homework books are sent home on Fridays and should be returned to school the following Wednesday.


PE lessons are taught by our PE lead: Mr Ireland
Year 1 children have PE on Wednesday
Year 2 children have PE on Tuesday
Children should come to school in their PE kits on their given day. PE lessons can take place inside or outdoors so children should be dressed appropriately and still need to wear a coat to school. 


Children can bring a healthy snack to eat at morning break time.
There is also the opportunity to buy toast and milk from the online system where parents need to select if their child will have snack daily. There is also free fruit available to all children. 
Children should bring a bottle of water to school everyday.